Table of Contents



Welcome to the Unicis DevOps Handbook. This guide is designed to help you understand and manage the DevOps processes for the Unicis Platform, which is built on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) infrastructure using OVH Cloud and utilizes CapRover for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

Platform Overview

Unicis Platform is a robust solution designed to deliver a seamless PaaS experience. Our infrastructure is hosted on OVH Cloud, ensuring reliability and scalability. The CI/CD processes are streamlined using CapRover, a powerful, user-friendly deployment solution.

Infrastructure: OVH Cloud

OVH Cloud provides the backbone for our infrastructure. Here’s how we leverage OVH Cloud for our PaaS needs:

1. OVH Cloud Setup

2. Network Configuration

3. Storage Solutions

4. Monitoring and Alerts

CI/CD: CapRover Solution

CapRover is our chosen solution for managing CI/CD processes due to its simplicity and powerful features.

1. CapRover Setup

2. Application Deployment

3. CI/CD Pipeline

Website and Handbook Deployment

Our website and handbook are continuously deployed using CI/CD and hosted on GitLab Pages.

1. Repository Setup

2. CI/CD Configuration

3. GitLab Pages

Best Practices


Common Issues

Debugging Tips


By following this handbook, you will be well-equipped to manage the Unicis Platform infrastructure and CI/CD processes effectively. For any further assistance, please reach out to the DevOps team.