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pub:erasure-request-form [29.10.2024 11:37] Predrag Tasevskipub:erasure-request-form [29.10.2024 11:57] (current) Predrag Tasevski
Line 19: Line 19:
 <form> <form>
 Action mail support@unicis.tech Action mail support@unicis.tech
 +subject "[Right to Erasure Request Form]"
 Thanks "Thanks for reaching out to us. We will come back to you shortly!" Thanks "Thanks for reaching out to us. We will come back to you shortly!"
Line 37: Line 38:
 Textbox "Data Subject Address" "=Address of data subject (if different)" ! Textbox "Data Subject Address" "=Address of data subject (if different)" !
 Textbox "Data Subject Contact Telephone Number" "=Contact telephone number of data subject (if different)" ! Textbox "Data Subject Contact Telephone Number" "=Contact telephone number of data subject (if different)" !
-email "Data Subject E-Mail Address" "=E-Mail Address of Data Subject" !+email "Data Subject E-Mail Address" "=E-Mail Address of Data Subject"
 Fieldset "SECTION 4: Reason for erasure request" Fieldset "SECTION 4: Reason for erasure request"
Line 52: Line 53:
 Fieldset "SECTION 6: Declaration" Fieldset "SECTION 6: Declaration"
 static "Please note that any attempt to mislead may result in prosecution."  static "Please note that any attempt to mislead may result in prosecution." 
-static "I confirm that I have read and understood the terms of this subject access form and certify that the information given in this application to Unicis.Tech is true.:+static "I confirm that I have read and understood the terms of this subject access form and certify that the information given in this application to Unicis.Tech is true.:"
 static "I understand that it is necessary for Unicis.Tech to confirm my/the data subject’s identity, and it may be necessary to obtain more detailed information in order to locate the correct personal data." static "I understand that it is necessary for Unicis.Tech to confirm my/the data subject’s identity, and it may be necessary to obtain more detailed information in order to locate the correct personal data."
 yesno "Confirm Agreement?"  yesno "Confirm Agreement?" 
-static "Documents which must accompany this application: +static "Documents which must accompany this application:" 
-Evidence of your identity (see section 2). Evidence of the data subject’s identity (if different from above). Authorization from the data subject to act on their behalf (if applicable). Justification for erasure of data (see section 4)"+static "Evidence of your identity (see section 2)."  
 +static "Evidence of the data subject’s identity (if different from above).
 +static "Authorization from the data subject to act on their behalf (if applicable).
 +static "Justification for erasure of data (see section 4)"
 file "Upload Evidence" ! file "Upload Evidence" !