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This page contains information that managers and other leaders at Unicis should know about running a great company.

CEO Flaws

Openness is important, and I want to share the flaws I have setup with you. I am fully accountable for enhancing the items listed below, and listing them is not an excuse.

These mistakes are listed publicly for two reasons. First, let everyone know that these issues aren't your fault. Second, to help me improve and make sure I am accountable.

I tend to avoid imposing on others

I tend to avoid imposing on others" closed

I can get anxious and do things too quickly

Contact the CEO

Feel free to contact me and send me a message using Unicis Element.

Founder responsibilities

The Founder is ultimately in charge of the vision, strategy, and success or failure of the company. The Founder is the DRI who is directly responsible for:

  • Company Vision and Strategy: Setting and keeping Unicis' long-term vision and strategic direction.
  • Leadership and Culture: Setting a company culture and inspiring and motivating the team.
  • Fundraising and Investor Relations: Managing relationships with investors, getting money, and making sure the company has the money it needs.
  • Strategic Partnerships: Key partnerships that align with the company's goals and drive growth are identified.
  • Major Decisions: Making important business decisions that affect the company's overall direction and health.
  • Public Representation: Being the company's spokesperson at events, in the news, and with people outside the company.

Co-Founder Responsibilities

The Co-Founders share the responsibility for the company's success and help the Founder. The co-founders are directly responsible for the following:

  • Operational Management: Overseeing daily operations to ensure smooth and efficient business processes.
  • Team Building and HR: Recruiting, hiring, and keeping top talent and managing the HR functions to keep the workplace healthy and productive.
  • Product Development: Making sure the company's products or services meet market needs and quality standards.
  • Financial Management: Assisting with the company's financial health, including budgeting, financial planning, and reporting.
  • Marketing and Sales: Marketing and sales efforts include developing strategies to increase brand awareness and customer acquisition.
  • Support and Accountability: Helping the founder and making sure the leadership team follows their goals and responsibilities.

Key reviews (KPIs) and Objectives Key Results (OKRs)

Each quarter, department leaders talk to the CEO about their key performance indicators. These key performance indicators (KPIs), which are kept private in the OpenProject application, measure how well things are doing every day and have deadlines.

In these meetings, C-level discuss actual week-over-week progress towards their Objectives and key results (OKRs) with the CEO and quarterly KPIs.


At Unicis, we work with core team members, consultants, advisors, and people in the community.


Occasionally, Unicis hires consultants who only work for a few hours on small projects.

A consultant is someone we expect to help us with:

  • They will finish their work with the company in less than 6 weeks.
  • Stay with the company for a longer time, but don't work more than 10 hours per week.


  • do NOT receive company equipment.
  • do NOT go through training using the contributor onboarding issue.
  • do NOT fill any existing open position.

They track time using the time-tracking and sign a consulting agreement with Unicis.

To hire a consultant, please talk to the CEO.

Who ISN'T a consultant?

If a consultant plans to work more than 10 hours per week, or for longer than 6 weeks, they should instead be hired as a core team member.

Core team members:

  • are hired for an existing open position.
  • must be onboarded (complete the entire, unabridged onboarding process in Fleet's “Onboarding” issue template).
  • must be offboarded.
  • get an email address.
  • have a manager and a formal place in the company Org chart.
  • are listed in the company's directory.
  • are paid as part of the standard payroll ritual for the place they work and their employment classification.

Consultants aren't supposed to do any of those things.

Consultant Agreement

Consultant and freelancer agreement template can be found in the following Unicis Intranet link.

Partnership or Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement

Contract or engagement such as a consortium with any other company is obligated to sign a Partnership or Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (MNDA) before anything confidential or internal is shared outside Unicis. You can find the template at Unicis Intranet link.

Request a new position

To request a new position at Unicis, follow these steps:

  1. Document Preparation: Create a detailed proposal document outlining the new position, including the job title, responsibilities, qualifications, and justification for the role and upload it to Unicis Intranet.
  2. Tagging the File: Once the document is on Unicis Intranet, use the tagging feature in NextCloud to tag the file appropriately (e.g., `new hire`).
  3. Request Review: Send a direct message to the Founder and co-founders by mentioning them in a comment under the file or through the internal messaging system, requesting a review of the proposal.
  4. Follow Up: Monitor for any comments or feedback from the Founder and co-founders, and be prepared to provide additional information or clarifications as needed.

Approving a new position

The Founder, Co-founders, and Directors will need to approve the new position and keep the company values and culture in mind.


Please check our recruting process.

Receiving job applications

The selected candidate will receive a contract agreement to be signed via our internal tool.

Candidate correspondence email templates




Hiring a new team member


Making an offer


Offer accepted

Tracking hours

Kindly utilize the time tracking feature, as detailed in the time tracking section.

Note: If you use another tool for tracking, that's fine, but at the end you'll need to send us a time tracking report and an invoice.


A consultant is an individual who works for Unicis for a brief duration of a project and does not work more than 40 hours per month in total. In other words, they don't put in more than ten hours a week. This is because of tax and other regulatory requirements.

Warning: It is not possible to bill the invoice for more than 40 hours per month.


It is not necessary for employees at Unicis to track their time unless this is required for a separate project. They don't have to send out an invoice at the end of the month.

Departure communication


Changing roles and positions


Delivering performance feedback

At Unicis, we give everyone feedback every six months. We gather feedback from at least two or three other team members and provide professional feedback aligned with company values.