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pub:company:unicis [28.09.2024 19:27] – [Open positions] Predrag Tasevskipub:company:unicis [29.09.2024 14:27] (current) – [Open source] Predrag Tasevski
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 Unicis.Tech OÜ is a company that works fully remotely and has five team members spread across two continents and three time zones. The wider team of contributors around the world contributes patches, bug reports, troubleshooting tips, improvements, and real-world ideas to Unicis open-source code base, [[https://www.unicis.tech/docs|documentation]], [[https://www.unicis.tech/|website]], and [[https://unicis.gitlab.io/unicis-handbook/|company handbook]]. Unicis.Tech OÜ is a company that works fully remotely and has five team members spread across two continents and three time zones. The wider team of contributors around the world contributes patches, bug reports, troubleshooting tips, improvements, and real-world ideas to Unicis open-source code base, [[https://www.unicis.tech/docs|documentation]], [[https://www.unicis.tech/|website]], and [[https://unicis.gitlab.io/unicis-handbook/|company handbook]].
 ==== Open source ==== ==== Open source ====
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 The Unicis products are built using [[https://www.unicis.tech/docs/unicis_platform_intro#tech-stack|open-source technology]] too. The Unicis products are built using [[https://www.unicis.tech/docs/unicis_platform_intro#tech-stack|open-source technology]] too.
 +{{tag>open_source open_core}}
 ==== Why this way? ==== ==== Why this way? ====