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Welcome to the Unicis DevOps Handbook. This guide is designed to help you understand and manage the DevOps processes for the Unicis Platform, which is built on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) infrastructure using OVH Cloud and utilizes CapRover for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).

Platform Overview

Unicis Platform is a robust solution designed to deliver a seamless PaaS experience. Our infrastructure is hosted on OVH Cloud, ensuring reliability and scalability. The CI/CD processes are streamlined using CapRover, a powerful, user-friendly deployment solution.

Infrastructure: OVH Cloud

OVH Cloud provides the backbone for our infrastructure. Here’s how we leverage OVH Cloud for our PaaS needs:

1. OVH Cloud Setup

  • Account Creation: Create an account on the OVH Cloud platform.
  • Project Setup: Set up a new project in the OVH Cloud dashboard.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocate necessary resources (compute instances, storage, network configurations) based on project requirements.

2. Network Configuration

  • VPC Setup: Create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for secure networking.
  • Subnets and Security Groups: Define subnets and configure security groups to control inbound and outbound traffic.
  • Load Balancers: Set up load balancers to distribute traffic efficiently.

3. Storage Solutions

  • Object Storage: Use OVH Cloud Object Storage for scalable and secure data storage.
  • Block Storage: Attach block storage volumes to instances as needed.

4. Monitoring and Alerts

  • Monitoring Tools: Integrate monitoring tools (e.g., Grafana, Prometheus) to keep track of infrastructure health.
  • Alerting Mechanisms: Set up alerts for critical events and thresholds.

CI/CD: CapRover Solution

CapRover is our chosen solution for managing CI/CD processes due to its simplicity and powerful features.

1. CapRover Setup

  • Installation: Deploy CapRover on a dedicated OVH Cloud instance.
  • Dashboard Access: Access the CapRover dashboard via the web interface.
  • Initial Configuration: Configure basic settings such as domain names and SSL certificates.

2. Application Deployment

  • Creating Applications: Create new applications in CapRover for each service/component.
  • Deployment Methods: Deploy applications using Docker images or directly from Git repositories.
  • Environment Variables: Configure environment variables for each application as needed.

3. CI/CD Pipeline

  • Git Integration: Integrate Git repositories with CapRover for automatic deployments.
  • Build Automation: Set up automated build processes using CI/CD tools like GitLab CI.
  • Deployment Automation: Configure CapRover to automatically deploy new builds to the respective environments.

Website and Handbook Deployment

Our website and handbook are continuously deployed using CI/CD and hosted on GitLab Pages.

1. Repository Setup

  • GitLab Repository: Create a GitLab repository for the website and handbook source code.
  • Branching Strategy: Implement a branching strategy (e.g., main, develop, feature branches).

2. CI/CD Configuration

  • GitLab CI Configuration: Define CI/CD pipelines in .gitlab-ci.yml file.
  • Build and Test: Include stages for building and testing the website/handbook.
  • Deployment: Add deployment stages to publish content to GitLab Pages.

3. GitLab Pages

  • Pages Setup: Configure GitLab Pages to serve the website and handbook.
  • Custom Domain: Set up a custom domain for the GitLab Pages site if needed.

Best Practices

  • Version Control: Use Git for version control and maintain a clear commit history.
  • Code Reviews: Implement a code review process to ensure quality and consistency.
  • Security: Regularly update dependencies and apply security patches.
  • Backup and Recovery: Set up regular backups and a recovery plan for critical data.


Common Issues

  • Deployment Failures: Check build logs and CapRover dashboard for error details.
  • Performance Issues: Monitor resource usage and optimize application performance.
  • Network Problems: Verify network configurations and security group rules.

Debugging Tips

  • Logs and Monitoring: Use logging and monitoring tools to diagnose issues.
  • Documentation: Refer to official documentation and community forums for solutions.


By following this handbook, you will be well-equipped to manage the Unicis Platform infrastructure and CI/CD processes effectively. For any further assistance, please reach out to the DevOps team.