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pub:development:release [25.09.2024 12:28] – removed - external edit (Unknown date) [25.09.2024 12:28] (current) – ↷ Page moved from release to pub:development:release Predrag Tasevski
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 +====== Releasing ======
 +<WRAP warning> **Warring**\\
 +The content of this page is still in progress and needs some tweaking. </WRAP>
 +===== Creating a Standard Release =====
 +  * Ensure a branch exists for the version family (for 2022.12.2 the branch would be ''%%version-2022.12%%'')
 +  * Merge all the commits that should be released on the version branch
 +  * If backporting commits to a non-current version branch, cherry-pick the commits.
 +  * Push the branch, which will run the CI pipeline to make sure all tests pass
 +  * Create/update the release notes
 +====== For initial releases: ======
 +  * Copy ''%%docs/platform/unicis-platform-changelog/_template.md%%'' to ''%%docs/platform/unicis-platform-changelog/v2022.12.md%%'' and replace ''%%xxxx.x%%'' with the version that is being released
 +  * Fill in the section of ''%%Breaking changes%%'' and ''%%New features%%'', or remove the headers if there’s nothing applicable
 +  * Run ''%%git log --pretty=format:'- %s' version/2022.11.3...version-2022.12%%'', where ''%%version/2022.11.3%%'' is the tag of the previous stable release. This will output a list of all commits since the previous release.
 +  * Paste the list of commits since the previous release under the ''%%Minor changes/fixes%%'' section.
 +  * Run ''%%make gen-changelog%%'' and use the contents of ''%%changelog.md%%''. Remove merged PRs from bumped dependencies unless they fix security issues or are otherwise notable. Remove merged PRs with the ''%%website/%%'' prefix.
 +  * Sort the list of commits alphabetically and remove all commits that have little importance, like dependency updates and linting fixes
 +  * Run ''%%make gen-diff%%'' and copy the contents of ''%%diff.md%%'' under ''%%API Changes%%''
 +  * Update ''%%website/sidebars.js%%'' to include the new release notes, and move the oldest release into the ''%%Previous versions%%'' category.
 +  * If the release notes are created in advance without a fixed date for the release, only add them to the sidebar once the release is published.
 +  * Run ''%%make website%%''
 +====== For subsequent releases: ======
 +  * Paste the list of commits since the previous release into ''%%docs/platform/unicis-platform-changelog/v2022.12.md%%'', creating a new section called ''%%## Fixed in 2022.12.2%%'' underneath the ''%%Minor changes/fixes%%'' section
 +  * Run ''%%make gen-changelog%%'' and use the contents of ''%%changelog.md%%''. Remove merged PRs from bumped dependencies unless they fix security issues or are otherwise notable. Remove merged PRs with the ''%%website/%%'' prefix.
 +  * Run ''%%make gen-diff%%'' and copy the contents of ''%%diff.md%%'' under ''%%API Changes%%'', replacing the previous changes
 +  * Run ''%%make website%%''
 +  * Run ''%%bumpversion%%'' on the version branch with the new version (i.e. ''%%bumpversion --new-version 2022.12.2 minor --verbose%%'')
 +  * Push the tag and commit
 +  * A GitHub actions workflow will start to run a last test in container images and create a draft release on GitHub
 +  * Edit the draft GitHub release
 +  * Make sure the title is formatted ''%%Release 2022.12.0%%''
 +  * Add the following to the release notes
 +  * See https://www.unicis.tech/docs/platform/unicis-platform-changelog
 +  * Or if creating a subsequent release
 +  * See https://www.unicis.tech/docs/platform/unicis-platform-changelog
 +  * Auto-generate the full release notes using the GitHub //Generate Release Notes// feature
 +===== Preparing a Security Release =====
 +  * Create a draft GitHub Security advisory
 +++++ Template |
 +==== Summary ====
 +Short summary of the issue
 +==== Patches ====
 +unicis_platform x, y and z fix this issue, for other versions the workaround can be used.
 +==== Impact ====
 +Describe the impact that this issue has
 +==== Details ====
 +Further explain how the issue works
 +==== Workarounds ====
 +Describe a workaround if possible
 +==== For more information ====
 +If you have any questions or comments about this advisory:
 +  * Email us at 
 +  * Request a CVE via the draft advisory
 +  * If possible, add the original reporter in the advisory
 +  * Implement a fix on a local branch ''%%security/CVE-...%%''
 +  * The fix must include unit tests to ensure the issue can’t happen again in the future
 +  * Update the release notes as specified above, making sure to address the CVE being fixed
 +  * Create a new file ''%%/website/docs/security/CVE-....md%%'' with the same structure as the GitHub advisory
 +  * Include the new file in the ''%%/website/sidebars.js%%''
 +  * Check with the original reporter that the fix works as intended
 +  * Wait for GitHub to assign a CVE
 +  * Announce the release of the vulnerability via Mailing list and discord
 +++++ Mailing list template” close | 
 +Subject: ''%%Notice of upcoming authentik Security releases 2022.10.3 and 2022.11.3%%''
 +We’ll be publishing a security Issue (CVE-2022-xxxxx) and accompanying fix on //date//, 13:00 UTC with the Severity level High. Fixed versions x, y and z will be released alongside a workaround for previous versions. For more info, see the authentik [[:docs_trust-center_policies_it-security-policy|Security policy]].
 +++++ Discord template |
 +@everyone We’ll be publishing a security Issue (CVE-2022-xxxxx) and accompanying fix on //date//, 13:00 UTC with the Severity level High. Fixed versions x, y and z will be released alongside a workaround for previous versions. For more info, see the authentik [[:docs_trust-center_policies_it-security-policy|Security policy]].
 +===== Creating a Security Release =====
 +  * On the date specified in the announcement, push the local ''%%security/CVE-2022-xxxxx%%'' branch into a PR, and squash merge it if the pipeline passes
 +  * If the fix made any changes to the API schema, merge the PR to update the web API client
 +  * Cherry-pick the merge commit onto the version branch
 +  * If the fix made any changes to the API schema, manually install the latest version of the API client in ''%%/web%%''
 +  * Resume the instructions above, starting with the ''%%bumpversion%%'' step
 +  * After the release has been published, update the Discord announcement and send another mail to the mailing list to point to the new releases
 +++++ Mailing list template |
 +Subject: ''%%Release of authentik Security releases 2022.10.3 and 2022.11.3%%''
 +The security advisory for CVE-2024-xxxxx has been published: https:%%//%%github.com/UnicisTech/unicis-platform-ce/security/advisories/
 +Releases 2022.10.3 and 2022.11.3 with fixes included are available here: https:%%//%%github.com/UnicisTech/unicis-platform-ce/releases/ 
 +++++ Discord template |
 +[…existing announcement…]
 +Advisory for for CVE-2022-xxxxx has been published here https:%%//%%www.unicis.tech/docs/platform/unicis-platform-changelog The fixed versions 2022.10.3 and 2022.11.3 are available here: https:%%//%%github.com/UnicisTech/unicis-platform-ce/releases/
 +===== Links =====
 +  * [[https://github.com/UnicisTeh/unicis-platform-ce|GitHub Community Edition]]
 +  * [[https://gitlab.com/unicis/unicis-platform|GitLab Business Edition]]
 +This guide includes the steps required for creating both standard and security releases, with specific references and links for the Unicis Platform Business and Community Editions.