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pub:home [25.09.2024 22:13] – [Products] Predrag Tasevskipub:home [15.10.2024 11:53] (current) – [Onboarding Training] Predrag Tasevski
Line 10: Line 10:
-<wrap button>[[Company]]</wrap>+<wrap button>[[pub:company|Company]]</wrap>
Line 18: Line 18:
 This is a place where we talk about what every team member needs to know to work well at Unicis. This is a place where we talk about what every team member needs to know to work well at Unicis.
-<wrap button>[[company:communications]]</wrap>+<wrap button>[[pub:company:communications|Communications]]</wrap>
Line 26: Line 26:
 This is where we talk about what managers and leaders at Unicis need to know to run a great company. This is where we talk about what managers and leaders at Unicis need to know to run a great company.
-<wrap button>[[company:leadership]]</wrap>+<wrap button>[[pub:company:leadership|Leadership]]</wrap>
Line 71: Line 71:
 <wrap button>[[pub:recruitment:open_positions|Open positions]]</wrap> <wrap button>[[pub:recruitment:open_positions|Open positions]]</wrap>
 +===== Onboarding Training =====
 +Mandatory onboarding training for employees and contractors. \\
 +<wrap alert>Access only to employees and contractors.</wrap>
 +<wrap button>[[onboarding:start|Unicis Onboarding]]</wrap>
 {{tag>handbook start home}} {{tag>handbook start home}}