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pub:operations:tech_stack_applications [29.09.2024 11:00] – [Forms] Predrag Tasevskipub:operations:tech_stack_applications [16.10.2024 07:53] (current) Predrag Tasevski
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 Business intelligence and analytics. We also use it to update fields in a database to verify, for instance, payment and subscriptions. Business intelligence and analytics. We also use it to update fields in a database to verify, for instance, payment and subscriptions.
 +====== Moodle ======
 +**License:**  GPL-3.0 license
 +**URL:** https://moodle.org/
 +Open source learning platform
 +{{tag>learning LMS UniHub Unicis-Training-Hub}}
 ====== MISP ====== ====== MISP ======