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pub:operations [25.09.2024 12:24] – ↷ Page moved from operations to pub:operations Predrag Tasevskipub:operations [28.09.2024 19:24] (current) – [Tech Stack Application] Predrag Tasevski
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 The list of applications that we use internally to run the business. The list of applications that we use internally to run the business.
-<WRAP button>[[Tech Stack Applications]]</WRAP>+<WRAP button>[[pub:operations:tech_stack_applications|Tech Stack Applications]]</WRAP>
 ====== Vendor Providers ====== ====== Vendor Providers ======
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 The list of services or vendors we use every day to run the business. The list of services or vendors we use every day to run the business.
-<WRAP button>[[Service/Vendor Providers]]</WRAP>+<WRAP button>[[pub:operations:service_vendor_providers|Service/Vendor Providers]]</WRAP>