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pub:soc [26.11.2024 15:55] Predrag Tasevskipub:soc [26.11.2024 16:00] (current) Predrag Tasevski
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 ====== Unicis SOC Plan ====== ====== Unicis SOC Plan ======
 +<WRAP center round info>
 Comprehensive breakdown of features and integrations for UNICIS SOC stack that includes Wazuh, TheHive, Zabbix, MISP, Cortex, and Shuffle SOAR. Comprehensive breakdown of features and integrations for UNICIS SOC stack that includes Wazuh, TheHive, Zabbix, MISP, Cortex, and Shuffle SOAR.
 ===== Integrated Features ===== ===== Integrated Features =====