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pub:trust_center:policies:it_security_policy [10.10.2024 14:40] – [IT Security Policy] Predrag Tasevskipub:trust_center:policies:it_security_policy [15.10.2024 09:54] (current) Predrag Tasevski
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 +====== IT Security Policy ======
 //Effective date: 17.05.2024.// //Effective date: 17.05.2024.//
 Security is very important to Unicis and everyone here is doing their best to keep your presentations and data secure. This document describes our internal security policies, and minimum security baseline and how those translate into creating a secure platform, add-ons and plugins that you can trust. Security is very important to Unicis and everyone here is doing their best to keep your presentations and data secure. This document describes our internal security policies, and minimum security baseline and how those translate into creating a secure platform, add-ons and plugins that you can trust.
-====== IT Security Policy ====== 
 We at Unicis are using the [[https://mvsp.dev/|Minimum Viable Secure Product (MVSP)]] as a baseline for enterprise-ready products and services. We at Unicis are using the [[https://mvsp.dev/|Minimum Viable Secure Product (MVSP)]] as a baseline for enterprise-ready products and services.