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 +====== Processes and Procedures ======
 +===== 1. Introduction =====
 +The processes and procedures essential for the efficient operation of Unicis are described in this document. It is designed to keep employees and the open-source community connected and productive.
 +===== 2. Onboarding Process =====
 +  * **Welcome Packet:** New hires receive a link to [[:start|Unicis Handbook]] company information, tools setup guides, and contact details.
 +  * **Orientation:** Conduct a virtual reading of the handbook to introduce new hires to the team, [[..:company:unicis#culture|culture]], essential [[..:trust_center|procedures]], and [[..:company:communications|communication]] guidelines.
 +  * **Equipment:** Right now, we don’t give new employees any equipment. They are supposed to use their personal devices and adjust to what they need to work without any interference.
 +  * **Training:** Provide access to training materials and schedule introductory meetings with relevant team members and [[..:company:leadership|leaders]].
 +===== 3. Communication Guidelines =====
 +  * **Tools:** Use company-approved tools for communication see full list at company [[..:operations:tech_stack_applications|Tech Stack Applications]].
 +  * **Response Time:** Aim to respond to messages and emails within 24 hours during business days.
 +  * **Status Updates:** Update your status on communication tools to indicate availability (e.g., available, in a meeting, away).
 +  * **Community Interaction:** Engage with the community on open-source platforms regularly, addressing issues, providing feedback, and fostering collaboration.
 +===== 4. Daily Operations =====
 +  * **Start of Day Check-In:** Employees must check in with their team leader or manager at the start of their workday via the designated communication tool.
 +  * **Task Management:** Use a project management tool (e.g., [[..:operations:service_vendor_providers#gitlab|GitLab Project]] and [[..:operations:tech_stack_applications#openproject|OpenProject]]) to track tasks, deadlines, and project progress.
 +  * **Breaks:** Regular breaks are necessary to maintain productivity and well-being. Take a 5- to 10-minute break every hour.
 +===== 5. Meetings and Collaboration =====
 +  * **Scheduling:** Use a shared calendar (e.g., [[..:operations:tech_stack_applications#calendar|Unicis Intranet Calendar]]) to schedule meetings and avoid conflicts.
 +  * **Agendas:** Distribute [[..:company:communications#meeting_agendas|meeting agendas]] at least 24 hours in advance. Stick to the agenda to ensure efficient use of time.
 +  * **Minutes:** Assign a note-taker for each meeting to document key points and action items. Share minutes within 24 hours post-meeting.
 +  * **Collaboration Tools:** Use collaborative tools (e.g., [[..:operations:tech_stack_applications#netxcloud|Nextcloud]], [[..:operations:tech_stack_applications#drawio|Draw.IO]], [[..:operations:tech_stack_applications#notes|Notes]], [[..:operations:tech_stack_applications#openproject|OpenProject]]) for real-time editing and brainstorming sessions.
 +===== 6. Community Engagement =====
 +  * **Contribution Guidelines:** Provide clear guidelines for community contributions, including coding standards, documentation practices, and submission procedures.
 +  * **Mentorship:** Assign mentors to new community contributors to help them get started and integrate into the project.
 +  * **Recognition:** Acknowledge and celebrate community contributions through regular shout-outs, contributor spotlights, and other recognition methods.
 +===== 7. Performance Management =====
 +  * **Goals Setting:** Set clear, measurable goals for each employee and review them quarterly.
 +  * **Feedback:** Provide regular, constructive feedback through one-on-one meetings and performance reviews.
 +  * **Recognition:** Recognize and celebrate achievements and milestones during team meetings and via communication tools.
 +===== 8. Data Security and Confidentiality =====
 +  * **IT Security Policy:** Follow the [[.policies:it_security_policy|IT Security Policy]].
 +===== 9. Technical Support =====
 +  * **Help Desk:** Provide a [[..:operations:tech_stack_applications|FreeScout]] virtual help desk for technical support. Ensure employees and community members know how to submit tickets or request assistance.
 +  * **Response Time:** Aim to respond to technical issues within 2 hours during business days.
 +  * **Training:** In the [[:start|Unicis handbook]], we provide regular updates regarding new tools, software updates, and best practices.
 +===== 10. Employee and Community Well-being =====
 +  * **Mental Health:** Encourage employees and community members to take mental health days when needed. Provide access to mental health resources and support.
 +  * **Work-Life Balance:** Promote a healthy work-life balance by respecting working hours and discouraging after-hours work.
 +  * **Social Activities:** Organize virtual social events (e.g., happy hours, game nights) to build team and community camaraderie.
 +===== 11. Compliance and Reporting =====
 +  * **Compliance:** Ensure all employees and community members comply with company [[policies|policies]].
 +  * **Reporting:** Regularly report on team performance, project status, and any issues to senior management and the community.
 +  * **Audits:** Conduct [[..:trust_center|periodic audits]] to ensure compliance with internal policies and external regulations.
 +===== 12. Termination Procedures =====
 +  * **Notice:** Provide reasonable notice for termination or changes in employment status.
 +  * **Equipment Return:** Arrange for the return of all company-owned equipment. Provide a pre-paid shipping label if necessary.
 +  * **Exit Interview:** Conduct a virtual exit interview to gather feedback and address any final concerns.