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user:predrag [29.09.2024 20:22] Predrag Tasevskiuser:predrag [01.10.2024 22:15] (current) Predrag Tasevski
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 Predrag has worked in cyber and IT security for more than a decade. He knows how to make security and privacy work by design and default. He also knows how to assess risks and be aware of them. Furthermore, he also works on blockchain projects. Working as a director, head of IT security, ISO, senior cloud security engineer, and consultant. He is certified in ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/EC 20000-1:2018. He also works as a Data Protection Officer (DPO), Certified Payment Security Practitioner, CyberSec First Responder, Project Management Professional (PMP), Scrum Master, MCT, and Cloud Security Engineer. Not only that, but he holds a master’s degree in cyber security and a post-graduate master’s degree in security in computer systems and communications. He is the Founder and CEO of [[https://www.unicis.tech/|Unicis.Tech]]. Predrag has worked in cyber and IT security for more than a decade. He knows how to make security and privacy work by design and default. He also knows how to assess risks and be aware of them. Furthermore, he also works on blockchain projects. Working as a director, head of IT security, ISO, senior cloud security engineer, and consultant. He is certified in ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/EC 20000-1:2018. He also works as a Data Protection Officer (DPO), Certified Payment Security Practitioner, CyberSec First Responder, Project Management Professional (PMP), Scrum Master, MCT, and Cloud Security Engineer. Not only that, but he holds a master’s degree in cyber security and a post-graduate master’s degree in security in computer systems and communications. He is the Founder and CEO of [[https://www.unicis.tech/|Unicis.Tech]].
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 ====== Useful links ====== ====== Useful links ======
-  * [[https://cloud.unicis.tech/apps/calendar/appointment/wXWCb73eyJyd|Book a meeting with me]] +[[https://cloud.unicis.tech/apps/calendar/appointment/wXWCb73eyJyd|{{fa>calendar?48|Book a meeting with me}}]]  [[https://cloud.unicis.tech/u/predrag|{{fa>user-circle?48|Intranet Profile}}]]   [[https://predragtasevski.com/|{{fa>globe?48|Personal blog}}]] 
-  [[https://predragtasevski.com/|Personal blog]]+</WRAP>
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