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user:userhomepage_public [30.09.2024 19:49] Predrag Tasevskiuser:userhomepage_public [30.09.2024 20:29] (current) Predrag Tasevski
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 ====== @NAME@ (@USER@) - Public Page ====== ====== @NAME@ (@USER@) - Public Page ======
-====== Predrag Tasevski (predrag) - Public Page ====== 
-//Unicis.Tech OÜ • Founder and CEO// 
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
 <WRAP half column> <WRAP half column>
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 ====== Useful links ====== ====== Useful links ======
-[[start|{{fa>calendar?48|Book a meeting with me}}]] [[start|{{fa>user-circle?48|Intranet Profile}}]]   [[start|{{fa>bookmark?48|Personal blog}}]]+[[start|{{fa>calendar?48|Book a meeting with me}}]] \\ 
 +[[start|{{fa>user-circle?48|Intranet Profile}}]] \\ 
 +[[start|{{fa>globe?48|Personal blog}}]]
 </WRAP> </WRAP>