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pub:trust_center [28.09.2024 19:29] – [Processes and Procedures] Predrag Tasevskipub:trust_center [28.09.2024 19:30] (current) – [Vendor Questionnaires] Predrag Tasevski
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 At Unicis, policies that every employee should know, acknowledge, and understand. At Unicis, policies that every employee should know, acknowledge, and understand.
-<WRAP button>[[trust_center:policies]]</WRAP>+<WRAP button>[[pub:trust_center:policies|Policies]]</WRAP>
 ====== Vendor Questionnaires ====== ====== Vendor Questionnaires ======
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 The processes and procedures essential for the efficient operation of Unicis are described in this document. It is designed to keep employees and the open-source community connected and productive. The processes and procedures essential for the efficient operation of Unicis are described in this document. It is designed to keep employees and the open-source community connected and productive.
-<WRAP button>[[trust_center:vendor_questionnaires]]</WRAP>+<WRAP button>[[pub:trust_center:vendor_questionnaires|Vendor Questionnaires]]</WRAP>